Saturday, February 4, 2012

Not Exactly Snow White

So I got myself lost in the woods last night. Because I have 'Red Riding-Hood Syndrome,' (Where everything's amazing until it's too-late-really-bad,) I wandered off of a

hiking trail and the sun shot out of the sky like it had a death wish.

And then my quintessential problem kicks in. I'm not sure whether it stems from being naive or a desire to prove that I'm a big girl and can handle myself, but I just start doing stupid, stupid things. I got myself more lost, almost on purpose.

I didn't even want to go home until I realized what the sound was that I'd heard two or three times.

And that's when I called my roommate, more frustrated than anything. But the reception was terrible.

I found the trail eventually, and my car soon after, and got home safely.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Its been a while. I go to art college now, in Los Angeles. I don't have much time to dedicate to drawing these comics, so now they will all be coming from my iPad :D

Anyways, art school has done things to me. And I will be uploading things, moments, thoughts etc. such as this one:

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Worst Nightmare

Trying to run away from a giant spider with flippers on.


Today I am telling you a tale of my oldest enemy, the arachnid. They’re like tiny Orcs. It finalizes my suspicion that if I were a Gryffindor, I’d be the ‘Ron Weasley’ brand. I suppose it’s not a paralyzing phobia or anything, it’s a pretty average fear, but when disposing of them I get a little… Creative.

I’ve killed them with $300 cowboy boots, fancy umbrellas, actual swords, strange acrobatics that I can only accomplish when a spider is near, and so on.


I was playing with one of my old LARP swords in my room.






I spent about five minutes staring at it from atop my coffee table, deciding whether or not to make a run for it and call one of my guy friends.


Spiders make a horrible squelching noise that can turn my stomach into a jellyfish. There is no onomatopoeia for that sound.

Another few minutes go by.




I don’t know if it’s going to work, but I wouldn’t come into my room if I were a spider.